*All horoscope predictions are based on your moonsign and Consultation services predictions are based on your birthchart.
FREEMIUM YEARLY HOROSCOPES: (A preview of our premium horoscope)
This is the general horoscope overview for 2025:. This is a short version of the in-depth life-changing premium annual horoscope forecast. Walk your best path in life in 2025: with the 15 life-event chapters of the premium annual horoscope. Each can be purchased individually or collectively as the full premium annual horoscope. Click either the ‘Purchase Life Events’, ‘Buy 2025: Premium Horoscope’ or ‘Sign Up to the Diamond Package’ orange buttons to get your premium forecast now.Accomplishments you might achieve in the year 2025:
In this coming year 2025 Aquarius regarding your accomplishments, you will gain from the state or due to your contacts with the government. You will be wealthy, happy, and prosperous. You will destroy powerful enemies. You will progress after fighting with elders. Your status improves at the time of availing financial gain and good authority will be acquired. You will destroy enemies or subdue them. You may be as prosperous as a king, and You will be very popular and mentally upgraded. You will inherit wealth. You will be famous personality in the city or country.Transit of Saturn for Aquarius 2025:
Aquarius Saturn sade sati’s will be at the peak Saturn's Effect Peak Phase through Head There is formation of Shasha Mahapurusha Yoga,Saturn in Kendra exalted in own sign Aquarius:. So due to this You will be brave and determined, without any fear and a become highly ambitious for the most dignified rising accomplishments. Being devoted to the family and looks after his/her family loved ones with devotion. You will be commander of an army or a leader of a group and professional organisation. You will be competent, wealthy, and learned, and keen to sort out all past mistakes and take over. You will be excessively fond of companionship & pleasures. You will progress through your own efforts; You will be healthy, very strong and will acquire land. You will be blessed with dignified status prestige honour name fame establishment, happy, pleasure loving and self-content. You will be well respected, victorious and will enhance the family name. You will face signifies a trying time, struggle full situations, obstacles, delays, and waste of time. You will be quite tense, upset and at times very low and disappointed. You will face quite a few clashes and conflicting situations and a few professional struggle full situations. The more you become active, creative, and dynamic the more will you achieve.Transit of Jupiter in the 3rd house from the start of the year till 1 May 2025:
During this period, The effect of this transit is to increase your contacts through and within your immediate surroundings. You will not have to go very far from your everyday world to find experiences that expand your perception of the world and increase your level of consciousness. This may manifest itself in several ways. First, it is quite likely that through your everyday life you will receive an Opportunity for communications converting into opportunities. Your concern with communication will increase, and During this period, extended travel may be necessary for some reason, but you will come out of it understanding a lot more about your world. Your relationships with world & family will be improving. It is quite possible that you may receive some kind of financial benefit from them. Jupiter in the Fourth House This is a time when you will seek inner peace and security. Jupiter here will help you improve all of these areas of your life. On an external level, you may express this transit by purchasing real estate or a new home. Land and houses are an external symbol of the desire for a stable inner world. Or you may expand, redecorate, or otherwise improve your present home, thereby increasing its value. This is quite a good time to invest in real estate, even if you are not planning to live there. This transit supports your domestic life, and during this period one or another domestic problem should be cleared up, usually because something new comes. to light that helps you straighten things out. You feel generous and open to your faintly, and they respond to you in the same way. If you have any problems at all during this time, your family is where you should turn for solace. They will be able to help you.Transit of Rahu in the 2nd house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025:
During this period, There will be tensions at home but if you control your temper it will be bliss at home. Excessive speech may harm you. Accidents cannot be ruled out. This signifies a troubled time financially, physically, and socially for you. During this period, keep an eye on your expenditures and beware of thieves or any unforeseen expenses. Take care of your health and your food habits particularly at this time of the year. Your eyes may also need your extra care. Health of your spouse may also become a cause of concern for most of you during this time. This is the time when you must stay away from all the litigations or issues related to the judiciary; chances are, you may even lose in such cases especially during this particular time. Avoid any kind of arguments and confusions with your near and dear ones as well. This time may also see you go through a rough phase with your spouse. Stay away from any kind of situations where you smell foul play, as this or some scandals related to a person of the opposite sex may damage your image in the society.Transit of Ketu in the 8th house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025:
During this period, Ketu will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly signifies physical suffering for you. Take care of your health during this time and avoid risking your life in every way possible. You are susceptible to developing various diseases during this time. Fever, body pain and diseases of the reproductive systems may make you experience pain during this phase. Mentally you may feel drained out. Ketu in 8th House gives health problems rheumatic complaints, issues with lower abdomen digestive system & joint pains are likely. Exhaustion restlessness might set in family will cause problems and you will face opposition in the family. A happening in your place of residence may bring in grief during this time.Health In the year 2025:
You will have some problem with your legs or feet. You may often feel as though your physical energy is drained out of you, leaving your body weak and fragile. Psychological upsets often result in poor health. You may suffer from coughs and colds. You can suffer from physiological defects such as impotency. You may have a problem in the reproductive organs, which is difficult to diagnose. Education as a basis for a successful career will come easily to you. You will get a good quality of education early on in 2025, but it may be hard to finish your courses in educational institutions. You learn best in the context of taking initiative, exploration and by communication about the subject.Learning & Education for the year 2025:
Teachers or institutions of higher education might be instrumental in opening up new opportunities in terms of financial gain. You may be interested in earth sciences, domestic arts, or social science and demography. After 1st May If you are studying law or philosophy then your accomplishments will be most dignified. You have a thirst for broadening and enriching your knowledge and this accompanies a strong spiritual sensibility. You have positive, rewarding experiences in the field of knowledge and education, formal or informal.Yours Romance & Love life' in the year 2025:
Your Marriage Window & Baby Conceiving window will be opening from the start of the year 2025 till 1st May 2025.For Single:
You are attractive. You ride, you yell, and you make an impression on the opposite sex. You are admired by the opposite sex and may be more loved than loving romantically speaking. Only if you can avoid being superficial, fickle, and flirtatious in love, can you have lasting love relationships. Relationships improve significantly over time.For Married and romantically involved:
Aquarius in the year 2025 At times, your marriage may keep you distracted or obsessed. You will experience a deep mutual love with your spouse, and a very close and intimate bond. Marriage to a person with initiative, altruism, and nobility is highly beneficial; marriage to a person interested only in exploitation can put you into a pit. It is easy to find partners of the opposite sex, but not so easy to stay married. This is due to the changeability of your relationships. It is likely that you may cheat on your spouse. You put in a lot of energy and attention into your marriage, but eventually it will not work because you have some secret enmity towards your spouse.Your Business Profession Career' in the year 2025:
Aquarius IN 2025 Aquarius IN 2025 Aquarius you will be enterprising, and you don't hesitate to take the initiative for fulfilling your highest desires and ambitions. Aquarius IN 2025 You will be an outstanding as a leader, consultant, designer, actor, politician, or speaker; you tend to use political and high-flown business language. You will be a hard worker, if you will be employed as consultant then you like the idea of going to be totally independent. You will have an entrepreneurial spirit, eager to take advantage of opportunities. You will achieve ultimate support backing from the decision makers and technical qualified professionals. Aquarius IN 2025 You must keep a close eye on the bottom line when making business decisions. You will be an excellent trader. You will flourish well in partnership with friends and siblings. Partners and associates also help you progression.Lucky points for the Year 2025:
Aquarius most important sentence for the year 2025: I know / I understand. Aquarius biggest asset/strength for the year 2025: Your Drive & Determination. Aquarius biggest weakness for the year 2025:Too much talking & Ego . Aquarius Lucky Precious Stone for the year 2025: You must wear fine quality astrologically activated Blue Sapphire + Emerald + Diamond in Platinum ring for right hand’s MIDDLE FINGERAstrological Tasks & Remedies for the Year 2025:
For Health & Happiness, please do wear Fine gold studs in your ears. For Flow of income & Assets, please do keep 2 Solid silver balls in your pocket and Do keep Saffron in a Silver box. For Health & Defence from crise, Please do wear Fine gold studs in your ears and do donate 8 religious priests mixed coloured blankets + bananas + money on Thursday.Aquarius Precautions for the Year 2025:
Please refrain from keeping ELEPHANT STATUES At your Residence and Business. Please refrain from lies scandals frauds scams & any form of GAMBLING RISKY INVESTMENTS. Please refrain from any family relationship conflicts.Aquarius Chanting for the Year 2025:
Aum HRIM Batukaya AAP-DuDadharanayya Kuru Kuru Batukaya Hrim!In this coming year 2025:
From 13th Feb till 13th March Sun + Saturn transiting in your own sign so due to this you will come across major obstacles’ challenges and complications. But certain accomplishments will be there. You must look after your eyes, general health, and wellbeing. Please beware of any unnecessary tensions, foul temper and over excitations. From 15th March till 22nd March Mars + Saturn transiting in your Sign so due to this you will be going through secret tensions and anxieties. Please beware of a living arguments and conflicting situations. Please be careful regarding your conduct dealings and behaviour. You will come across lots of personal and professional challenges complications. Please beware of an accident. From 16th Aug till 15th Sept Sun + Mercury aspect on your Sign so due to this you will come across professional challenges and complications. Please beware of a personal arguments and conflicts. You will go through fruitless expenditures and unnecessary hassles.Get Your Premium annual Horoscope:
The premium annual horoscope offers an in-depth exploration of the year ahead in 15 distinct parts (called Life Events), each focusing on planetary effects, as they impact your personal and professional life, health, success and more. The key Life Events covered are: Tasks & Remedies: Empower yourself with practical tasks and remedies, specifically crafted to assist you in mitigating planetary challenges and reinforcing positive outcomes. Saturn's Effect: Discover the profound impact of Saturn's transit on your professional life and finances, and how to harness that power to power your career and money, and learn life lessons through insightful predictions for the year ahead. Jupiter's Effect: Uncover the expansive influence of Jupiter on your personal growth and fortune and how to channel this potential in areas like recognition, relationships, marriage, birth of a child and more with Prakash projecting your path to abundance. Rahu's Effect: Prakash guides your understanding of Rahu and its challenging portents, as they relate to your unfulfilled desires and future aspirations helping you anticipate unexpected events and sudden changes. Ketu's Effect: Prakash deciphers Ketu's mystical code on past experiences and the life lessons they have and can provide, preparing you for the transformational times ahead and pushing you towards accomplishment, the comfort of family and fame. Other life events cover Complications, Learning and Education, Health, and others. We provide you with a complete and comprehensive guide, where you can choose from the 15 individual life events or the full annual horoscope, to enhance your life in practical ways built from spiritual foundations. By taking Prakash Astrologer’s guidance, you will be able to strategise around challenges, recognise and take advantage of opportunities, and maximise the benefits they all bring in your personal and professional life. Let Prakash help you answer and make the most of your full potential in life, love, and professional success with the Premium Annual Horoscope.This discusses someone's circumstances in the coming year. It can reveal situations regarding health, romance, marriage, relationships, educational progression, career, wealth, property, authority, power status, and the ability to be recognised or appreciated. It will address a person’s flow of income, communication and lifestyle. It will consider positives & negative possibilities that could materialise in the year.
If someone needs to learn about the effects of Saturn, Jupiter & Rahu/Ketu for the year, the yearly horoscope is beneficial. This Aquarius horoscope allows someone to learn about their exact stance in their education, health, romance relationship, job profession career, finance property, skill that makes you special, social life, accomplishments and complications for the coming year. Any tasks, precautions or chanting will be suggested. You will become aware of your potential and your capabilities for the coming year. You will learn about possible difficult choices and how to manage that situation in a composed manner. If someone wants to learn about their upcoming challenges linked with personal or professional, career, emotional, financial or legal issues, listening or viewing this horoscope is useful. Any unexpected issues with authority and how to handle the situations at hand will be addressed. Support, guidance and awareness for the coming year will be given. To learn about your lucky points, your tasks, precautions and chanting, choose the Aquarius yearly horoscope.
Saturn represents your KARMA, Saturn Also represent your work profession career status prestige honour income resources & your property wealth, assets, life span, health issues like death crises trauma grief, Your hard work's rewards, Your service job , Your business profession career merchandising.
RAHU -KETU effect represents Your Previous lives & this life's Karma’s Fruit in this life, Positive effects In the form of Sudden achievements, Sudden rewards, Sudden success, Name , Fame Political power But Negative of RAHU-KETU represent series of Failures, too much grief, agony, setbacks after setbacks, ongoing obstacles, indefinite delays, un-comfortable life, Living arguments conflicts, body pain, tension, depression, instability, confusions, illusions, lack of understanding, paranoid & bankruptcy.
JUPITER's effects represents recognition appreciation for your Professional KNOWLDGE Ability Skill set, Jupiter's effect for getting Married in this coming year & conceiving of a baby regarding birth of the Child in this coming year.
Detailed view for the whole year including predictions about your health, education, romance relationship, job profession career, property investments, social life & skill set.
Lucky Points mention about your positive & negative attitude, Lucky days, colours, the precious stones which you must wear for the boost up, Lucky direction for buying the property.
Tasks & remedies reveals all the required astrological tasks for the year 2021 for balancing your astrological equation and for getting rid of all of yours negatives and boosting up your positives and properly balancing your astrological equation to achieve your very best AND Precautions what you should avoid AND ALSO Powerful set of Chants for the Boost up and Cure.
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