*All horoscope predictions are based on your moonsign and Consultation services predictions are based on your birthchart.
FREEMIUM YEARLY HOROSCOPES: (A preview of our premium horoscope)
This is the general horoscope overview for 2025:. This is a short version of the in-depth life-changing premium annual horoscope forecast. Walk your best path in life in 2025: with the 15 life-event chapters of the premium annual horoscope. Each can be purchased individually or collectively as the full premium annual horoscope. Click either the ‘Purchase Life Events’, ‘Buy 2025: Premium Horoscope’ or ‘Sign Up to the Diamond Package’ orange buttons to get your premium forecast now.Accomplishments you might achieve in the year 2025:
You may achieve the highest authorities. As such you invest your money in the development of a big and cautious business venture. Your profession are favourable for dealing with the following: coal, wood, steel, iron metals minerals and marble granite stone, lime, sand, and all building construction material. The West / northern-east direction is beneficial for changing country. You will attain fame in the world and will be charitable, recognized, and renowned. You will travel abroad. Your lifestyle may change due to sudden accumulation of wealth through speculation and lottery.Transit of Saturn for Capricorn 2025:
You will go through struggleful circumstances, you will go through lots of personal & professional complications, you will be fighting with disease and enemies, you will be quite fearful and going through lots of mental stress and tensions. You will go through lots of fruitless expenditures and living conflicts arguments. But sometimes you go through difficult time. Objectives may be hard to achieve or may not produce the desired results. During this period, you will achieve financial gain but at the same time you will come across many professional obstacles delays complications hassles & lots of changes in your circumstances but in the end, you will achieve success and rewards. You will involve in a new project and ventures.   You must look after your health & wellbeing. Please beware of lack of income resources. Please do look after your relationship with your in-laws and family. You got to watch your conduct otherwise you will end up in a court case but the decision will go in your favour. You will be blessed with property and land and car but some time you won’t be able to achieve the comforts of all these. You can be very much stressed linked with family relationship. Please beware of scandalous relationship. Please make sure you must not invest any money in gambling risky investments otherwise you will be ruined. You will get the support and help from the family and friends. You will achieve support and gain from the higher authorities.Transit of Jupiter in the 4th house from the start of the year till 1 May 2025 :
During this period, Jupiter in the Fourth House This is a time when you will seek inner peace and security. Jupiter here will help you improve all of these areas of your life. On an external level, you may express this transit by purchasing real estate or a new home. Land and houses are an external symbol of the desire for a stable inner world. Or you may expand, redecorate, or otherwise improve your present home, thereby increasing its value. This is quite a good time to invest in real estate, even if you are not planning to live there. Transit of Jupiter in the 5th house from 1 May 2025 till 14 May 2025 During this period, this mostly denotes happiness and success in your endeavours. You may expect successful completion of your plans and you would be more devoted to your work or profession during this time. Your efforts would bear high rewards and you are also likely to get better opportunities and profits in trade and business. If you are interested in learning or are already a student, you may expect success in your field of learning as well. Financially this could prove to be a good time for you and your family. You may consider buying cattle, house, jewellery, and garments. On the more personal front, if single, you may expect to meet your perfect match during this time and may even consider marriage. If married, you may expect the arrival of a new member in your family. Your relationship with the other members of your family would improve and you may even gain from some of them. You are also likely to hire a domestic help to assist your family in finishing household chores. An auspicious event may take place at home and your involvement in it would be the most. Socially a good time is expected as well.Transit of Rahu in the 3rd house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025 :
During this period, New friends and social circles might emerge, and you will enjoy the new developments. Your confidence and importance will be rising. Success in achieving goals is assured. Some difficult responsibilities might be assigned, which will be successfully completed through effective communications. Business will run smoothly but be extra careful when it comes to intensive new projects. You will do very well by dint of sheer determination, success in competitive examination is indicated. This brings along considerable good times along. Financially this period is expected to be very good. You may expect to gain money from various known and unknown sources, and you may even get financial benefits from your enemies. If employed, you may expect a raise in your salary and those who are involved in trade may also expect added profit during this particular time. Progress at work could also be expected.Transit of Ketu in the 9th house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025:
During this period, This signifies, apart from other effects, few minor physical complications and development of mental qualms. Your finances would require careful handling, as most of you are likely to invest your hard-earned money in lottery and other speculations Hold tight to your finances, as you may have to embrace poverty during this particular phase. Most of you are also likely to get involved in some illicit activities, which is unacceptable in your religion. Avoid any kind of arguments with your siblings. Handle your friends and acquaintances carefully to avoid being forsaken by them.Health In the year 2025:
You may have some inexplicable pains in your body. Your health may be sensitive due to mental worry. Overwork and emotional stress could cause brain fatigue and heart ailments. There may be problems with the heart or the eyes - specially the right eye. Muscle or blood difficulties may be found. There may be poor circulation in the lower legs, causing some swelling of tissue and veins. Your eyesight can develop some problem, and for that or other health problems, Great caution is recommended, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays concerning any trips in vehicles in which you are the driver - especially if you like to speed.Learning & Education for the year 2025:
Teachers or institutions of higher education might be instrumental in opening up new opportunities in terms of financial gain. You may be interested in earth sciences, domestic arts, or social science and demography. After 1st May If you are studying law or philosophy then your accomplishments will be most dignified. You have a thirst for broadening and enriching your knowledge and this accompanies a strong spiritual sensibility. You have positive, rewarding experiences in the field of knowledge and education, formal or informal.Yours Romance & Love life' in the year 2025:
Your Marriage Window & Baby Conceiving window will be opening from 1st May 2025 till 14th May 2025.For Single:
If you fall in love, you would never want to let go of your partner even after you break up and may wind up hating him/her and dreaming of revenge. Only if you can avoid being superficial, fickle, and flirtatious in love, can you have lasting love relationships. There may be a tendency for you to keep your relationships a secret or you may seek out partners in secretive places, or where secrecy is in the air.For Married and romantically involved:
Your relationships may constantly go through several challenges, obstacles, and transformations. You may have many, short-lived casual liaisons. You have many relationships with members of the opposite sex. You are sensual. Your actions are driven towards sensory satisfaction rather than moral or spiritual values. You have a high libido. Your sexual desires tend to be strong. You have strong sensual leanings and a lot of energy, which the opposite sex appreciates.Your Business Profession Career' in the year 2025:
Capricorn In the year 2025 You will see your highest aspirations and ambitions fulfilled. Capricorn In the year 2025 You may burst upon the world without warning, surprising others as much as yourself. You will put very hard efforts to create and stabilize your professional status. Capricorn In the year 2025 You work most efficiently as a most dignified leader. Your higher goal is to achieve a standard of excellence in work so that you can attain the open doors to new levels and next level that come after work well done. Capricorn In the year 2025 You carefully plan the phases of your career. You crave to win and are always seeking ways to achieve your plans. You are hardworking, firm, laborious and devoted. Your work is constantly improving. Active, energetic, you won't rest till you have accomplished the projects you've undertaken. By necessity you are an excellent leader & financial manager. Capricorn In the year 2025 You will attain victory and profits and acquires wealth, attains success, and will get wealth by defeating your enemies. You acquire plenty of wealth from business or service.Lucky points for the Year 2025:
Capricorn most important sentence for the year 2025: I Got It / I have made it. Capricorn biggest asset/strength for the year 2025: Unique vision. Capricorn biggest weakness for the year 2025: Temper beyond control / Hasty Decisions Choices. Capricorn Ambition for the year 2025: Status, Prestige, Honour & Power.Astrological Tasks & Remedies for the Year 2025:
For prosperity and prevention from the Loss, Please Flow 12kg Gurh + 12kg Ravveria + 8kg Rice in the fast-flowing river on Sunday for 12 Sundays. For Status & Prestige, please do wear Budh-Adittya Yantra in a Silver chain around your neck. For Peace & Harmony, Please do donate Dry Food to the Langar during Ambassya & Purnmashi. For Health & Happiness, please use Mixture Milk + Yogurt as a shower gel all over your body and do wear Milk + Yogurt tilak on your forehead every day. Please refrain from any kind of illicit relationship & daytime any sexual intercourse or any intimate activities.Capricorn Precautions for the Year 2025:
Please refrain from any kind of illicit relationship & daytime any sexual intercourse or any intimate activities. Please refrain from any family relationship conflicts. Please be kind to dogs. Please do respect your elders & women.Capricorn Chanting for the Year 2025:
Hrim Gum Ganpattya Nammhha Hrim!In this coming year 2025:
Till 30th April Saturn’s 3rd aspect on Jupiter so due to this you will come across lots of domestic and professional complications. You will come across lots of domestic and professional complications. You will be going through lots of tensions and living conflicts arguments. You will have few concerns regarding health and happiness. From 14th Jan till 12th Feb Sun transiting through Sign and from 5th Feb till 14th March Mars transiting through your sign so due to this there will be rising status prestige and honour. Lots of your problems will be resolved done and dusted. Your circumstance will be changing for the better. You will come across income resources and involve yourself in buying and selling of property and assets. You will be temperamental and over excited. From 1st May till end of the year 2025 Jupiter’s 9th aspect on your Sign Capricorn so due to this you will achieve financial gain and lots of vision imaginations will be materialised done dusted. But definitely you will go through obstacles and hindrance in accomplishing your objectives. From 26th Aug till 19th Oct Mars’s 8th aspect on you so due to this you can be very much temperamental annoyed and over excited.Get Your Premium annual Horoscope:
The premium annual horoscope offers an in-depth exploration of the year ahead in 15 distinct parts (called Life Events), each focusing on planetary effects, as they impact your personal and professional life, health, success and more. The key Life Events covered are: Tasks & Remedies: Empower yourself with practical tasks and remedies, specifically crafted to assist you in mitigating planetary challenges and reinforcing positive outcomes. Saturn's Effect: Discover the profound impact of Saturn's transit on your professional life and finances, and how to harness that power to power your career and money, and learn life lessons through insightful predictions for the year ahead. Jupiter's Effect: Uncover the expansive influence of Jupiter on your personal growth and fortune and how to channel this potential in areas like recognition, relationships, marriage, birth of a child and more with Prakash projecting your path to abundance. Rahu's Effect: Prakash guides your understanding of Rahu and its challenging portents, as they relate to your unfulfilled desires and future aspirations helping you anticipate unexpected events and sudden changes. Ketu's Effect: Prakash deciphers Ketu's mystical code on past experiences and the life lessons they have and can provide, preparing you for the transformational times ahead and pushing you towards accomplishment, the comfort of family and fame. Other life events cover Complications, Learning and Education, Health, and others. We provide you with a complete and comprehensive guide, where you can choose from the 15 individual life events or the full annual horoscope, to enhance your life in practical ways built from spiritual foundations. By taking Prakash Astrologer’s guidance, you will be able to strategise around challenges, recognise and take advantage of opportunities, and maximise the benefits they all bring in your personal and professional life. Let Prakash help you answer and make the most of your full potential in life, love, and professional success with the Premium Annual Horoscope.This discusses someone's circumstances in the coming year. It can reveal situations regarding health, romance, marriage, relationships, educational progression, career, wealth, property, authority, power status, and the ability to be recognised or appreciated. It will address a person’s flow of income, communication and lifestyle. It will consider positives & negative possibilities that could materialise in the year.
If someone needs to learn about the effects of Saturn, Jupiter & Rahu/Ketu for the year, the yearly horoscope is beneficial. This Capricorn horoscope allows someone to learn about their exact stance in their education, health, romance relationship, job profession career, finance property, skill that makes you special, social life, accomplishments and complications for the coming year. Any tasks, precautions or chanting will be suggested. You will become aware of your potential and your capabilities for the coming year. You will learn about possible difficult choices and how to manage that situation in a composed manner. If someone wants to learn about their upcoming challenges linked with personal or professional, career, emotional, financial or legal issues, listening or viewing this horoscope is useful. Any unexpected issues with authority and how to handle the situations at hand will be addressed. Support, guidance and awareness for the coming year will be given. To learn about your lucky points, your tasks, precautions and chanting, choose the Capricorn yearly horoscope.
Saturn represents your KARMA, Saturn Also represent your work profession career status prestige honour income resources & your property wealth, assets, life span, health issues like death crises trauma grief, Your hard work's rewards, Your service job , Your business profession career merchandising.
RAHU -KETU effect represents Your Previous lives & this life's Karma’s Fruit in this life, Positive effects In the form of Sudden achievements, Sudden rewards, Sudden success, Name , Fame Political power But Negative of RAHU-KETU represent series of Failures, too much grief, agony, setbacks after setbacks, ongoing obstacles, indefinite delays, un-comfortable life, Living arguments conflicts, body pain, tension, depression, instability, confusions, illusions, lack of understanding, paranoid & bankruptcy.
JUPITER's effects represents recognition appreciation for your Professional KNOWLDGE Ability Skill set, Jupiter's effect for getting Married in this coming year & conceiving of a baby regarding birth of the Child in this coming year.
Detailed view for the whole year including predictions about your health, education, romance relationship, job profession career, property investments, social life & skill set.
Lucky Points mention about your positive & negative attitude, Lucky days, colours, the precious stones which you must wear for the boost up, Lucky direction for buying the property.
Tasks & remedies reveals all the required astrological tasks for the year 2021 for balancing your astrological equation and for getting rid of all of yours negatives and boosting up your positives and properly balancing your astrological equation to achieve your very best AND Precautions what you should avoid AND ALSO Powerful set of Chants for the Boost up and Cure.
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