*All horoscope predictions are based on your moonsign and Consultation services predictions are based on your birthchart.
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Jupiter Transit for Scorpio
Jupiter is the “greater life booster” and in astrology Jupiter gives mankind knowledge ability skill qualification, marriage & birth of a child. Life seems to be flawless more with a Jupiter transit, and whatever you intended that you achieve. At the most fundamental level Jupiter signifies the individual reaching out to include more and more of the universe and its experience within himself or herself. Jupiter is a planet of growth and development. Jupiter’s effect on your life can range from physically developing you & developing your mind and intelligence.
Jupiter rules the professional qualification knowledge ability skill set law and the legal system, as well as persons in power and government officials, a function it shares with the Sun.
The house that the transiting Jupiter is in indicates the area of life in which you are trying to grow improve developing active. Jupiter’s necessary growth that makes you a wiser and more successful person. Wherever Jupiter transits, you must not take the matters ruled by that house at face value.
Planets in your natal chart that are transited by Jupiter represent activated in your personality that are achieving your objectives. Jupiter also signifies some of the highest aspects of your life your overall life view. Jupiter can be a very consciousness-expanding influence. This could be the doorways to your objectives of your life.
Jupiter set high standard of life, wealth, riches, professional ability knowledge, education, skill set, marriage relationship, birth of the children, intellect, good qualities, consultant, minister, religious practice, minister, fatness in the body, philosophy, preaching, religious heads, priest hood, father, fruit yielding tree, astrology, honour, awards, justice, capabilities, teacher, vice-chancellors, legal expert, fortune, title received from the government authorities, husband in female birth chart, expert, Judge, advocate, spiritual thinking, broad-minded, sober, diplomacy, respect for elders, grand children, Diseases pertaining to Gulma, Sleshma , breathing & gaseous imbalances.
Jupiter gives good results in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th & 11th houses.
At the same time if other planets are placed in 12th, 4th, 3rd, 10th and 8th places then Good results are cancelled and this is called Jathaka Vedha.
Jupiter gives good results in Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius & Pisces.
Jupiter does not give good results when Jupiter is Retrograde or Combust. Jupiter give finest results in the Utharashada Punarvasu, Utharabhadrapada, & Vishaka Constellations.
Jupiter gives results two months before entry into a new sign.
Jupiter takes 11-12 months to transit full sign & Give the best results in the middle two months.
Jupiter gives bad results when passes through Aridra, Sathabisha, Hastha & Swathi Constellations.
Transit of Jupiter in the 1st house from Scorpio Natal Moon (11 Oct 2018 14:49:30 to 29 Mar 2019 15:39:03) During this period, Jupiter will move through your first house from the Moon. This brings about some significant negative results into your life. Your health would require extra attention and care in order to avoid any kind of diseases. Avoid taking life risks when it comes to your health. Financially also, you may have to face a rough period, as you may lose some of your money due to unnecessary expenditure. Avoid long distance travel, as it may not yield the expected result during this time. You are also likely to suffer during this travel. There is also a chance of you staying away from your native land during this phase. If unemployed, you may face disappointment regarding your employment. This could also prove to be a trying time professionally. Avoid any kind of arguments with your seniors at work, as it might give you mental agony. Moreover, put extra effort to complete your projects successfully and on time. This period may also see you suffer from the wrath of the government, humiliation and loss of position at work. Hold on to your position and respect and do not put these into risk, at any cost. Moreover, avoid any arguments with the family members and try to keep your calm. Be cautious in your decisions and while dealing with people. You would also need to keep your spirits high, as this period may bring along mental agony and depression as well. However, some of you may also find solutions to some of your previous problems during this particular time. You may also get the news of the conception of your child. Your interest in religious work will increase. Students are likely to excel during this time. Your prestige in society is likely to move up during this time.
Jupiter in the First House
Jupiter in the First House’s transit is the beginning of a major cycle of growth. While Jupiter is in this house, you must try to discover what you are really capable. You should get to know yourself and what you can really accomplish your potential, because under this influence you feel more secure about yourself and the impression influence that you make upon others. You will be lots more confident brave presentable & dignified. But you should not react to this transit by exaggerating your own importance either. Look at the truth of who you are & what you are capable that should be entirely adequate. This is also a time for upgrading your knowledge ability skill set and gaining new experience. All this is part of your present need for growth, which affects not only yourself, but also the way you deal with the situations scenarios as a whole. At this time, it is very important to outgrow upgrade your attitudes or prejudices that may have hung over with you from the long time.
Persons and resources are likely to be drawn to you now, and you should take constructive advantage of them. In other words, anyone whom you become involved with at this time should benefit from the association as much as you do. Only through mutual help will you really achieve growth.
The spiritual dimension of you should be greater now. You have to know the deeper dimensions & meaning as well; otherwise the rest becomes meaningless.
This year should be quite fortunate for you in personal terms. Your relationships personal & professional and encounters with others should work to your advantage consistently. Jupiter will increase your self-confidence and poise should serve you well and enable you to raises the scope of your activities. But try not to be overbearing. Even if you score significant successes, don’t delude yourself into thinking that you have all the answers and solutions to every problem. You are still learning upgrading developing under this transit.
Whenever you will face any one of the following problems and complications:
Then please do raise your Jupiter with the help of the following tasks:
1) Please do Bury 7kg Black Salt in the cultivated Land on Saturday Early Morning.
2) Please do pierce your Left Nostril and do wear white metal Stud for 129 days and after these days take out the Stud and flow in the river.
Transit of Jupiter in the 2nd house from Scorpio Natal Moon (29 Mar 2019 15:39:03 to 22 Apr 2019 20:38:09) During this period, Jupiter will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly denotes good times. This could be a rewarding phase for you where you are likely to add on to your present financial earnings, gain profit in trade, agriculture and also spend happily on charity. This period may also see you investing in landed property or real estate and would help you repay your debts if any. On the home front, this should be a happy phase bringing happiness to your family. You may also expect to enjoy married life. You may also expect a new member in the family. At work, you would be able to gain confidence of your seniors and would also be able to influence others. You would gain over your enemies during this time. Socially, this should be a satisfying period for you, as you are likely to command more respect and you would experience heightened grandeur and dignity. Mentally you would be at peace and you are also likely to sharpen your intellect during this particular time.
Jupiter in the Second House
This transit has traditionally been associated with making money or gaining wealth, and there is something to that, for you will attempt to grow in the sheer of material possessions and resources now. But in a larger sense, what you are doing at this time is actualizing in your life whatever it is that you value. If it is money or physical possessions that you value, that is the area you will try to increase in and through. “spiritual — involving ideas, a standard of justice, or whatever you will attempt to increase this dimension of your life.
Obviously then it is very important at this time to understand how you use resources, because the chances are that you will indeed get more of whatever you want, within reason. Unfortunately, there is great potential for mismanaging resources with this transit, if you are not clear about what you need and want. It is very easy to get so much of something that it runs your life instead of making your life more pleasant and fulfilling. This is particularly true of efforts to gain more money.
What you must do at this time in your life is to look at your overall goals honestly and see what you really must have in order to achieve them It will be relatively easy to make the necessary changes in your resources to help attain your goals, so plan these changes wisely.
This is not a call for total asceticism. If you want to buy something that is very expensive, perhaps a bit self-indulgent, there is no reason why you should not go after it. Just make sure that you really want it, that it is not merely a symbol of something you think you want. Many people acquire possessions simply because they think they are expected to in order to show social status. To acquire for reasons of this sort would truly be a waste. Nevertheless, during this time material resources can be a great comfort, and you can derive a real and honest pleasure from them.
In a larger sense you will learn more about yourself at this time through encountering possessions and having to handle them. Managing the material world will be of great value in promoting self-understanding. For this reason, this is a good period in your life to invest money with a little self-restraint or to buy possessions either for enjoyment or for investment.
Whenever you face the following situations:
Then please do raise the Jupiter with the help of following tasks:
1) Please refrain from any form of NON-VEGETARIAN & intoxications Alcohol.
2) Please do wear Astrological Activated Golden Yellow Sapphire in Gold in right hand’s index finger.
3) Please cultivated Land in your house.
4) Please refrain from out of control behaviour & words.
Transit of Jupiter in the 1st house from Scorpio Natal Moon (22 Apr 2019 20:38:09 to 5 Nov 2019 00:47:17) During this period, Jupiter will move through your first house from the Moon. This brings about some significant negative results into your life. Your health would require extra attention and care in order to avoid any kind of diseases. Avoid taking life risks when it comes to your health. Financially also, you may have to face a rough period, as you may lose some of your money due to unnecessary expenditure. Avoid long distance travel, as it may not yield the expected result during this time. You are also likely to suffer during this travel. There is also a chance of you staying away from your native land during this phase. If unemployed, you may face disappointment regarding your employment. This could also prove to be a trying time professionally. Avoid any kind of arguments with your seniors at work, as it might give you mental agony. Moreover, put extra effort to complete your projects successfully and on time. This period may also see you suffer from the wrath of the government, humiliation and loss of position at work. Hold on to your position and respect and do not put these into risk, at any cost. Moreover, avoid any arguments with the family members and try to keep your calm. Be cautious in your decisions and while dealing with people. You would also need to keep your spirits high, as this period may bring along mental agony and depression as well. However, some of you may also find solutions to some of your previous problems during this particular time. You may also get the news of the conception of your child. Your interest in religious work will increase. Students are likely to excel during this time. Your prestige in society is likely to move up during this time.
Whenever you will face any one of the following problems and complications:
Then please do raise your Jupiter with the help of the following tasks:
1) Please do Bury 7kg Black Salt in the cultivated Land on Saturday Early Morning.
2) Please do pierce your Left Nostril and do wear white metal Stud for 129 days and after these days take out the Stud and flow in the river.
Transit of Jupiter in the 2nd house from Scorpio Natal Moon (5 Nov 2019 00:47:17 to 29 Mar 2020 23:24:55) During this period, Jupiter will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly denotes good times. This could be a rewarding phase for you where you are likely to add on to your present financial earnings, gain profit in trade, agriculture and also spend happily on charity. This period may also see you investing in landed property or real estate and would help you repay your debts if any. On the home front, this should be a happy phase bringing happiness to your family. You may also expect to enjoy married life. You may also expect a new member in the family. At work, you would be able to gain confidence of your seniors and would also be able to influence others. You would gain over your enemies during this time. Socially, this should be a satisfying period for you, as you are likely to command more respect and you would experience heightened grandeur and dignity. Mentally you would be at peace and you are also likely to sharpen your intellect during this particular time.
Jupiter in the Second House
This transit has traditionally been associated with making money or gaining wealth, and there is something to that, for you will attempt to grow in the sheer of material possessions and resources now. But in a larger sense, what you are doing at this time is actualizing in your life whatever it is that you value. If it is money or physical possessions that you value, that is the area you will try to increase in and through. “spiritual — involving ideas, a standard of justice, or whatever you will attempt to increase this dimension of your life.
Obviously then it is very important at this time to understand how you use resources, because the chances are that you will indeed get more of whatever you want, within reason. Unfortunately, there is great potential for mismanaging resources with this transit, if you are not clear about what you need and want. It is very easy to get so much of something that it runs your life instead of making your life more pleasant and fulfilling. This is particularly true of efforts to gain more money.
What you must do at this time in your life is to look at your overall goals honestly and see what you really must have in order to achieve them It will be relatively easy to make the necessary changes in your resources to help attain your goals, so plan these changes wisely.
This is not a call for total asceticism. If you want to buy something that is very expensive, perhaps a bit self-indulgent, there is no reason why you should not go after it. Just make sure that you really want it, that it is not merely a symbol of something you think you want. Many people acquire possessions simply because they think they are expected to in order to show social status. To acquire for reasons of this sort would truly be a waste. Nevertheless, during this time material resources can be a great comfort, and you can derive a real and honest pleasure from them.
In a larger sense you will learn more about yourself at this time through encountering possessions and having to handle them. Managing the material world will be of great value in promoting self-understanding. For this reason, this is a good period in your life to invest money with a little self-restraint or to buy possessions either for enjoyment or for investment.
Whenever you face the following situations:
Then please do raise the Jupiter with the help of following tasks:
1) Please refrain from any form of NON-VEGETARIAN & intoxications Alcohol.
2) Please do wear Astrological Activated Golden Yellow Sapphire in Gold in right hand’s index finger.
3) Please cultivated Land in your house.
4) Please refrain from out of control behaviour & words.
Transit of Jupiter in the 3rd house from Scorpio Natal Moon (29 Mar 2020 23:24:55 to 30 Jun 2020 00:51:16) During this period, Jupiter will move through your third house from the Moon. This brings in indisposition along with some other hurdles into your life. Financially this may not be a good phase for you as you are likely to face obstacles in business and failure in your endeavour. You are also likely to lose some money. At work, you may have to be cautious enough to keep your position or rank. You are also likely to face the opposition of your employer or your colleagues during this time. Stay away from any kind of argument with your siblings and friends, as it might lead to a fight with them. You are also likely to lose a relative or a friend during this time. Your health as well as the health of your spouse would demand extra attention as you both may become susceptible to various diseases during this time. You may also suffer from other hardships and mental anxiety. Avoid undertaking any journey during this period as you might incur some loss in it. On the other hand, some of you may also perform some auspicious deeds or even consider getting married.
Jupiter in the Third House
The effect of this transit is to increase your contacts through and within your immediate surroundings. You will not have to go very far from your everyday world to find experiences that expand your perception of the world and increase your level of consciousness. This may manifest itself in several ways. First of all, it is quite likely that through your everyday life you will receive an Opportunity for advanced training in a field of study that could be useful to you. Your concern with communication will increase, and you may do some writing, even if that is not one of your usual activities. During this period, extended travel may be necessary for some reason, but you will come out of it understanding a lot more about your world. Your relationships with relatives’ brothers, sisters, cousins etc. will be very good. It is quite possible that you may receive some kind of financial benefit from one them, but that is not the only way they could benefit you.
Planets in Transit
Perhaps more important in the long run is the possible effect of this transit upon your mind and consciousness. Old thought patterns, attitudes that you have adopted more or less unconsciously or that you don’t think very much about consciously, will be broadened and expanded. Your thinking will be less subject to the limitations imposed by these attitudes Consequently your attitude toward the world around you will be much more generous, understanding and tolerant of other people’s differences. You are less likely to be influenced by prejudices. Instead, you will want to know everything on the basis of your own experience. Your plans for the future will be larger and more expansive. You will realize that many of the limitations that you thought were imposed from without are actually self-imposed. Also, in looking at the world, you take more factors into consideration and plan more effectively than you might at other times. Just be careful not to go to the opposite extreme and overdo it. Don’t commit yourself to projects that you cannot possibly fulfil. As a general rule, communication with others is better than usual now. You are able to say what is on your mind, and you are less subject to failures of communication. At the same time, you are frank and willing to talk about every aspect of a given problem, whether it relates to your emotional life or to some situation in the outer world.
Whenever you will face the following situation:
Then do raises the Jupiter with the help of following tasks:
1) Please do organise KANYA pujan in the temple and donate girls green dresses, sweets and money.
2) Please do LOTS OF DURGA UPPASNA ” Aing Hrim Shrim Klim Chaa Mundaya Vicchhayyaa “.
Transit of Jupiter in the 2nd house from Scorpio Natal Moon (30 Jun 2020 00:51:16 to 20 Nov 2020 08:52:34) During this period, Jupiter will move through your second house from the Moon. This mostly denotes good times. This could be a rewarding phase for you where you are likely to add on to your present financial earnings, gain profit in trade, agriculture and also spend happily on charity. This period may also see you investing in landed property or real estate and would help you repay your debts if any. On the home front, this should be a happy phase bringing happiness to your family. You may also expect to enjoy married life. You may also expect a new member in the family. At work, you would be able to gain confidence of your seniors and would also be able to influence others. You would gain over your enemies during this time. Socially, this should be a satisfying period for you, as you are likely to command more respect and you would experience heightened grandeur and dignity. Mentally you would be at peace and you are also likely to sharpen your intellect during this particular time.
Jupiter in the Second House
This transit has traditionally been associated with making money or gaining wealth, and there is something to that, for you will attempt to grow in the sheer of material possessions and resources now. But in a larger sense, what you are doing at this time is actualizing in your life whatever it is that you value. If it is money or physical possessions that you value, that is the area you will try to increase in and through. “spiritual — involving ideas, a standard of justice, or whatever you will attempt to increase this dimension of your life.
Obviously then it is very important at this time to understand how you use resources, because the chances are that you will indeed get more of whatever you want, within reason. Unfortunately, there is great potential for mismanaging resources with this transit, if you are not clear about what you need and want. It is very easy to get so much of something that it runs your life instead of making your life more pleasant and fulfilling. This is particularly true of efforts to gain more money.
What you must do at this time in your life is to look at your overall goals honestly and see what you really must have in order to achieve them It will be relatively easy to make the necessary changes in your resources to help attain your goals, so plan these changes wisely.
This is not a call for total asceticism. If you want to buy something that is very expensive, perhaps a bit self-indulgent, there is no reason why you should not go after it. Just make sure that you really want it, that it is not merely a symbol of something you think you want. Many people acquire possessions simply because they think they are expected to in order to show social status. To acquire for reasons of this sort would truly be a waste. Nevertheless, during this time material resources can be a great comfort, and you can derive a real and honest pleasure from them.
In a larger sense you will learn more about yourself at this time through encountering possessions and having to handle them. Managing the material world will be of great value in promoting self-understanding. For this reason, this is a good period in your life to invest money with a little self-restraint or to buy possessions either for enjoyment or for investment.
Whenever you face the following situations:
Then please do raise the Jupiter with the help of following tasks:
1) Please refrain from any form of NON-VEGETARIAN & intoxications Alcohol.
2) Please do wear Astrological Activated Golden Yellow Sapphire in Gold in right hand’s index finger.
3) Please cultivated Land in your house.
4) Please refrain from out of control behaviour & words.
Transit of Jupiter in the 3rd house from Scorpio Natal Moon (20 Nov 2020 08:52:34 to 5 Apr 2021 19:54:34) During this period, Jupiter will move through your third house from the Moon. This brings in indisposition along with some other hurdles into your life. Financially this may not be a good phase for you as you are likely to face obstacles in business and failure in your endeavour. You are also likely to lose some money. At work, you may have to be cautious enough to keep your position or rank. You are also likely to face the opposition of your employer or your colleagues during this time. Stay away from any kind of argument with your siblings and friends, as it might lead to a fight with them. You are also likely to lose a relative or a friend during this time. Your health as well as the health of your spouse would demand extra attention as you both may become susceptible to various diseases during this time. You may also suffer from other hardships and mental anxiety. Avoid undertaking any journey during this period as you might incur some loss in it. On the other hand, some of you may also perform some auspicious deeds or even consider getting married. Jupiter in the Third House The effect of this transit is to increase your contacts through and within your immediate surroundings. You will not have to go very far from your everyday world to find experiences that expand your perception of the world and increase your level of consciousness. This may manifest itself in several ways. First of all, it is quite likely that through your everyday life you will receive an Opportunity for advanced training in a field of study that could be useful to you. Your concern with communication will increase, and you may do some writing, even if that is not one of your usual activities. During this period, extended travel may be necessary for some reason, but you will come out of it understanding a lot more about your world. Your relationships with relatives’ brothers, sisters, cousins etc. will be very good. It is quite possible that you may receive some kind of financial benefit from one them, but that is not the only way they could benefit you. Planets in Transit Perhaps more important in the long run is the possible effect of this transit upon your mind and consciousness. Old thought patterns, attitudes that you have adopted more or less unconsciously or that you don't think very much about consciously, will be broadened and expanded. Your thinking will be less subject to the limitations imposed by these attitudes Consequently your attitude toward the world around you will be much more generous, understanding and tolerant of other people's differences. You are less likely to be influenced by prejudices. Instead, you will want to know everything on the basis of your own experience. Your plans for the future will be larger and more expansive. You will realize that many of the limitations that you thought were imposed from without are actually self-imposed. Also, in looking at the world, you take more factors into consideration and plan more effectively than you might at other times. Just be careful not to go to the opposite extreme and overdo it. Don't commit yourself to projects that you cannot possibly fulfil. As a general rule, communication with others is better than usual now. You are able to say what is on your mind, and you are less subject to failures of communication. At the same time, you are frank and willing to talk about every aspect of a given problem, whether it relates to your emotional life or to some situation in the outer world. Whenever you will face the following situation:
Astrologer Disclaimer: Indian astrology is the part of Atharvaveda...Read more