*All horoscope predictions are based on your moonsign and Consultation services predictions are based on your birthchart.
FREEMIUM YEARLY HOROSCOPES: (A preview of our premium horoscope)
This is the general horoscope overview for 2025:. This is a short version of the in-depth life-changing premium annual horoscope forecast. Walk your best path in life in 2025: with the 15 life-event chapters of the premium annual horoscope. Each can be purchased individually or collectively as the full premium annual horoscope. Click either the ‘Purchase Life Events’, ‘Buy 2025: Premium Horoscope’ or ‘Sign Up to the Diamond Package’ orange buttons to get your premium forecast now.Accomplishments you might achieve in the year 2025:
You will be patient, will not turn away from struggles and will fight against all the odds. As a consultant and writer, you will be an outstanding. You will be successful at trading, entertaining media, speculation, gambling, risky work, races, and investments. Your lifestyle may change due to sudden accumulation of wealth through speculation and lottery. You may be recognized by the state, will possess an excellent lifestyle full of luxuries and may be the head of a organisation. Professional & personal networking will increase and there will be gain in wealth.Transit of Saturn for Sagittarius 2025:
Transit of Saturn in the 3rd house from the start of the year till 29 Mar 2025: Saturn's journey through the third house is auspicious, especially relating to work and finances. You are likely to make money in more than one way. Success comes from new undertakings or enterprises. This is particularly good time to profit from activities relating to communication media property transport logistics poultry farming and agriculture. You may also consider buying land or fixed property during this time. If you are unemployed, you may hear opportunity knocking at your door or get some lucrative job offers. Those employed may get a promotion, increase in authority, or a pay rise. Attention is given to your intelligence, ability and effort and you are likely to climb up the social ladder. There is a good chance of getting assistance with your work. You will succeed in any kind of discussions and be able to put your point across much more easily than before. The main issue that you will confront at this time is the actual structuring of your mind & management and how it operates on a day-to-day level, in other words, your everyday mental patterns, attitudes, habits, styles of speaking and ways of listening to others. Normally you take these issues for granted and don't think about them very much. But these are very important in structuring your world.Sagittarius Transit of your Lord Jupiter in the 5th house from the start of the year till 1 May 2025:
At this time your creative self-expression grows as never before. You find the courage to be yourself and to express yourself to others without fear or apology but without selfishness or egotism. This has the immediate effect of improving your relationships with others tremendously. This transit by itself is not usually enough to bring about a sexual relationship, but it certainly helps one that begins at this time. Because you don't feel that you must hold yourself back from another person, it is possible to have a truly authentic relationship with someone, in which each of you knows who the other is. If you have children, this transit will improve your relationship with them, and there will probably be many occasions when you feel proud of them. And you are able to give them whatever they need for their own development without feeling in any way diminished. Your creative potential is also increased. If you have any artistic aptitude at all, this transit may very well bring it into play. You will produce more work, and it will be completely expressive of yourself. Also, if you are working in a creative or artistic field, you may possibly make more money than usual with your art or craft. Love relationships will also expand the range of experience in your life. You may encounter persons from a radically different background or from a different country.Transit of Jupiter in the 6th house from 1 May 2025 till 14 May 2025:
Transit of Jupiter in the 6th house & during this period, you tend to increase your enemies by being involved in unnecessary arguments with your family and friends. You are also likely to create enmity with your mentor. Beware of your enemies at this time as they might trouble you more than ever. Health would require attention at this time regarding bladder urine and any issues linked with diabetes. You may feel unhappy even when you are in the best of condition and may tend to become restless. Take care to avoid slackness in health and diseases. You would have to be more attentive in your field of work as there is a chance that you might lose some money or property during this phase. Beware of thieves, a fire at your workplace and even the wrath of the government. If employed, maintain a good rapport with your employer and colleagues to avoid any disfavour with them. It would be better to postpone new enterprises, as this may not be the right time to start something new. Your relationship with your spouse may have to be handled carefully and sensibly. Avoid any kind of arguments with your partner and stay away from litigations of any kind with anybody.Transit of Rahu in the 4th house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025:
During this period, during this period, Rahu will move through your fourth house. There will be lack of mental peace, obstacles & strains. Which could make you restless tense insecure and uncertainties. Cold attitude from the near and dearest could make you a little unhappy. Your mother and family needs attention. This would see you going through a troubled time. You will have to be extra careful in matters related to your landed property as this journey of Rahu denotes loss of the same. You may also have to change your place of residence at this time. It would be a good idea to avoid any kind of property related litigations during this phase. Your health may require some extra care, as you are susceptible to developing diseases during this time. Mentally you may remain worried and unenthusiastic about everything around.Transit of Ketu in the 10th house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025:
During this period, this will create problems at work. Rewards will not be commensurate with hard work put in. There will be delays in promotion and unfavourable transfers are also possible. Those in business will go through fluctuations ups and downs. You must remain alert and vigilant. You got to be careful about your investments. There might be some allergic problems also. This brings in mixed results which also depends on the waxing and waning of the moon. During the waxing moon period, your income may rise with the help of some otherwise depraved people. You may also expect to progress in your field of work and gain further monetary gain during this time. However, during the waning moon period, most of you may face loss of money as well as material riches due to some wrong company. You are also likely to suffer from mental agony, which could also be due to loss in trade or lack of progress in your field of work.Health In the year 2025:
Sagittarius In the year 2025 Physical exercise and open air do wonders for you. You are liable to suffer from heat biliousness, fever, eye trouble, burns, and bad circulation. Psychological upsets often result in poor health. You may suffer from Urine, bladder related, coughs and colds. Your right ear may suffer some problems. You may have problems with your nose. You may experience premature balding. You may have to deal with skin problems. You can suffer from physiological defects such as impotency You may have some fear of getting physically hurt, or some accident or injury may emotionally affect you.Learning & Education for the year 2025:
In this year 2025 Education you will have a good education. You can be an excellent researcher or perform your work with scholarly finesse. Your area of study may include management, Legal studies, philosophical and political topics. If you are studying Management, Finance & Legal studies then your achievements will be dignified. You need to work on your focus & concentration for the completion of your studies.Yours Romance & Love life' in the year 2025:
Sagittarius in the year 2025 Your Marriage Window & Baby Conceiving window will be opening from the start of the year 2025 till 1st May 2025:For Single:
You may seek out and get attracted to persons who are unusual in some way or come from a place very different from yours. Sometimes you feel you have been "romancing the stone" no matter how charming you make yourself to the object of your desire, she/he has no eyes for you.For Married and romantically involved:
Sagittarius in the year 2025 Married life will have its trials. Some of your life problems could involve the realm of love, sex, and marriage. You may be involved in extramarital affairs. Your partner's behaviour may cause you to feel betrayed. You will be deprived of a spouse, relatives, and house, and has to incur a lot of expenditure. Your spouse may go far away with a bad personYour Business Profession Career' in the year 2025:
You will have high and glorious ambitions and please never ever underestimate your skills and capabilities. You are hard-working and may have to travel long gruelling distances to complete your projects. More you become active creative and dynamic more you will be rising like a star. Sagittarius In the year 2025 You will have worries in your occupation regarding unexpected and expected changes, but you will have to work very patiently and firmly to develop your business profession. You will experience challenges complications and accomplishments. Sagittarius In the year 2025 You will go through quite a few professional and personal fluctuations. If you are not very careful then you will be punished by the decision makers and faces many hardships. Please beware of any professional and personal conflicts. Sagittarius In the year 2025 Any work which is somewhat confrontational, challenging or even destructive will appeal to you. You may have to deal with personal or confidential information. Favourable careers could be found in banking, law, academia, or government.Lucky points for the Year 2025:
Sagittarius most important sentence for the year 2025: I see/ I know. Sagittarius biggest asset/strength for the year 2025: Confidence / Awareness / Visionary. Sagittarius biggest weakness for the year 2025: Over reactive & Stubborn & Over Adventurous & Arrogance. Sagittarius Ambition for the year 2025: Power Authority Establishment.Astrological Tasks & Remedies for the Year 2025:
For stability, prevention from loss & professional gain, please do pierce your Left Nostril and do pierce your left Nostril and please do wear Steel or titanium silver stud and do wear the stud for 43 days or 86 days or 129 days and please make sure you don’t perform any other tasks during those days and after those Days take out the Stud and flow in the fast-flowing river. For Prosperities, please do donate Pure Ghee + Whole moong { minimum 2kg each } to temple in the Langar on Friday for 12 Fridays. For rise in LUCK, please do wear Steel / iron ring without joint in your Middle finger.Sagittarius Precautions for the Year 2025:
Please refrain from any kind of illicit relationship & daytime any sexual intercourse or any intimate activities. Please refrain from any family relationship conflicts. Please be kind to dogs. Please do respect your elders & women.Sagittarius Chanting for the Year 2025:
Aum Gum Ganpattya Nammhhaa!In this coming year 2025:
From 1st May till end of the year your Lord Jupiter transiting in your 6th house. From 14th June till 19th Oct, Sun, and Mars aspect on your sign jointly. You got to watch your temper behaviour actions reaction expression and dealings. When you mingle with people around you then please refrain from living conflicts and arguments. Your expenditures can be sky high and you will deal with lots of domestic hassles and complications. Your expenditures can be paramount and domestic challenges will be more than your imagination. In Oct and Nov, you will be going through fruitless expenditures. You will be going through lots of complicated situations, but your income resources will be there. In December you will be making lots of plans.Get Your Premium annual Horoscope:
The premium annual horoscope offers an in-depth exploration of the year ahead in 15 distinct parts (called Life Events), each focusing on planetary effects, as they impact your personal and professional life, health, success and more. The key Life Events covered are: Tasks & Remedies: Empower yourself with practical tasks and remedies, specifically crafted to assist you in mitigating planetary challenges and reinforcing positive outcomes. Saturn's Effect: Discover the profound impact of Saturn's transit on your professional life and finances, and how to harness that power to power your career and money, and learn life lessons through insightful predictions for the year ahead. Jupiter's Effect: Uncover the expansive influence of Jupiter on your personal growth and fortune and how to channel this potential in areas like recognition, relationships, marriage, birth of a child and more with Prakash projecting your path to abundance. Rahu's Effect: Prakash guides your understanding of Rahu and its challenging portents, as they relate to your unfulfilled desires and future aspirations helping you anticipate unexpected events and sudden changes. Ketu's Effect: Prakash deciphers Ketu's mystical code on past experiences and the life lessons they have and can provide, preparing you for the transformational times ahead and pushing you towards accomplishment, the comfort of family and fame. Other life events cover Complications, Learning and Education, Health, and others. We provide you with a complete and comprehensive guide, where you can choose from the 15 individual life events or the full annual horoscope, to enhance your life in practical ways built from spiritual foundations. By taking Prakash Astrologer’s guidance, you will be able to strategise around challenges, recognise and take advantage of opportunities, and maximise the benefits they all bring in your personal and professional life. Let Prakash help you answer and make the most of your full potential in life, love, and professional success with the Premium Annual Horoscope.This discusses someone's circumstances in the coming year. It can reveal situations regarding health, romance, marriage, relationships, educational progression, career, wealth, property, authority, power status, and the ability to be recognised or appreciated. It will address a person’s flow of income, communication and lifestyle. It will consider positives & negative possibilities that could materialise in the year.
If someone needs to learn about the effects of Saturn, Jupiter & Rahu/Ketu for the year, the yearly horoscope is beneficial. This Sagittarius horoscope allows someone to learn about their exact stance in their education, health, romance relationship, job profession career, finance property, skill that makes you special, social life, accomplishments and complications for the coming year. Any tasks, precautions or chanting will be suggested. You will become aware of your potential and your capabilities for the coming year. You will learn about possible difficult choices and how to manage that situation in a composed manner. If someone wants to learn about their upcoming challenges linked with personal or professional, career, emotional, financial or legal issues, listening or viewing this horoscope is useful. Any unexpected issues with authority and how to handle the situations at hand will be addressed. Support, guidance and awareness for the coming year will be given. To learn about your lucky points, your tasks, precautions and chanting, choose the Sagittarius yearly horoscope.
Saturn represents your KARMA, Saturn Also represent your work profession career status prestige honour income resources & your property wealth, assets, life span, health issues like death crises trauma grief, Your hard work's rewards, Your service job , Your business profession career merchandising.
RAHU -KETU effect represents Your Previous lives & this life's Karma’s Fruit in this life, Positive effects In the form of Sudden achievements, Sudden rewards, Sudden success, Name , Fame Political power But Negative of RAHU-KETU represent series of Failures, too much grief, agony, setbacks after setbacks, ongoing obstacles, indefinite delays, un-comfortable life, Living arguments conflicts, body pain, tension, depression, instability, confusions, illusions, lack of understanding, paranoid & bankruptcy.
JUPITER's effects represents recognition appreciation for your Professional KNOWLDGE Ability Skill set, Jupiter's effect for getting Married in this coming year & conceiving of a baby regarding birth of the Child in this coming year.
Detailed view for the whole year including predictions about your health, education, romance relationship, job profession career, property investments, social life & skill set.
Lucky Points mention about your positive & negative attitude, Lucky days, colours, the precious stones which you must wear for the boost up, Lucky direction for buying the property.
Tasks & remedies reveals all the required astrological tasks for the year 2021 for balancing your astrological equation and for getting rid of all of yours negatives and boosting up your positives and properly balancing your astrological equation to achieve your very best AND Precautions what you should avoid AND ALSO Powerful set of Chants for the Boost up and Cure.
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