*All horoscope predictions are based on your moonsign and Consultation services predictions are based on your birthchart.
FREEMIUM YEARLY HOROSCOPES: (A preview of our premium horoscope)
This is the general horoscope overview for 2025:. This is a short version of the in-depth life-changing premium annual horoscope forecast. Walk your best path in life in 2025: with the 15 life-event chapters of the premium annual horoscope. Each can be purchased individually or collectively as the full premium annual horoscope. Click either the ‘Purchase Life Events’, ‘Buy 2025: Premium Horoscope’ or ‘Sign Up to the Diamond Package’ orange buttons to get your premium forecast now.Accomplishments you might achieve in the year 2025:
You will attain wealth through an inheritance or through loan or grant or financial help. You will be a good speaker and skilled at arguments. You will give shelter to many, appreciate good work and will test the talent of others. You will be very strong, and your enemies will be fearful of him. You will be capable of getting work done through disciplined associates. You may travel abroad. You may have to fight and struggle against odds and then ultimately progress.Transit of Saturn for Virgo 2025:
From the start of the year 2025 till 29 Mar 2025 Saturn will be in 6th House AQUARIUS Saturn in the sixth house mostly signifies monetary gain. This period will see you settling all your outstanding bills, debts and dues. The flow of money will be smooth and generally more than you would expect. You may buy land or a house. Some of you may consider building a house on land you already own. This time will also see you winning over or defeating your enemies. Health is good and you will be at peace with yourself. Both professionally and socially, these are good times. Some of you may find older people exceptionally supportive. Friends will be helpful and more sympathetic than ever. This period is good for romance: married people will enjoy happy, sensuous relations with their spouses; lovers can look forward to many deeply emotional experiences. Those expecting a child may welcome a new member into the family. Your relatives will also be happy with you during this planetary period. This is a critical time in your development. When Saturn leaves this house and crosses the seventh-house cusp, your efforts to attain your goals and ambitions will begin to bear definite fruit if you have handled this house properly. Even if you have not received much recognition for your efforts in the past few years, you will begin to receive it then.Virgo Transit of your Lord Jupiter in the 8th house from the start of the year till 1 May 2025:
Transit of Jupiter in the 8th house From the start of the year 2025 till 1 May 2025 Jupiter in this 8th house, you are likely to benefit from other people's resources. Consequently, this is a good time to enter a relationship in which you and another person have to pool your resources, such as a business partnership. This is also a good time to request a loan from a bank, unless there is another transit at the same time that negates this reading. In general, other people are more than usually willing to help you out in some way. On another level, there will be many powerful but fortunate changes in your life at this time. It may not any easy to be obvious, but any sweeping change that happens now will be for the best and will make your life richer and more rewarding in the long run. It will also give you a much greater understanding of the psychological patterns that operate in your life. If you have recently been through a time of psychological stress or are encountering one now, this transit will help the healing process within you. Sometimes this transit can indicate a time of religious and spiritual regeneration, me what used to be called a "conversion experience." Certainly, you would derive great benefit from studying occult and mystical literature at this time in your life, especially if you feel very troubled or distraught.Transit of Jupiter in the 9th house from 1 May 2025 till 14 May 2025:
Transit of Jupiter in the 9th house from 1 May 2025 till 14 May 2025 During this period, This denotes wealth and financial gain for you. You may expect profit in trade and business, a position of authority at your workplace, success in all your endeavours and favour from your superiors as well. This could prove to be a particularly good time for authors, publishers, professors and people related to the field of books. Socially also, this is a good time as you are likely to be honoured and your status would take an upwardly move. Your interest in religious activities would be at an all-time high and you are likely to attend as many religious functions as possible. You would also seek the company of saints and be willing to spend on some virtuous deeds. Inflow of money should be good, and you may expect financial gains from all the possible quarters. Jupiter in the Ninth House This house is a very good position for Jupiter. At this time the perspective of your life learning be expanded tremendously. You may have opportunities for extensive travel, for desire and for reaching others in either a formal or an informal setting. Your than to learn, however, is very great, and you will probably do much more reading usual and about more abstract and profound subjects. Philosophy, metaphysics and religion are typical studies associated with this transit. And you will encounter these not only as books, but as real issues in your life.Transit of Rahu in the 7th house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025:
Transit of Rahu in the 7th house from 28 NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025: During this period, This can invite some allegations & wrong decisions so be cautious. You will have taken very care when it comes to relationship. If unmarried choose your partner very carefully. You will go through major hassles when it come romance relationship. Your future plan can be non-starter. This is not the time to create a huge change of job as new placement might make you uncomfortable with rivalry in profession. This brings in fatigue and worry for you. This is the time when you need to keep away from any kind of property related litigations and trade, as you are likely to lose your property at this time. However, some of you may even gain profit or suddenly progress in your field of trade. At home, avoid any kind of argument with your spouse as this might lead to quarrels.Transit of Ketu in the 1st house from 28th NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025:
Transit of Ketu in the 1st house from 28 NOV 2023 till 29 MAY 2025 During this period, this brings in some trying time for you. Beware of your enemies during this time, as you are likely to become stronger and more offensive. Financially also this could prove to be a tricky time for some of you. Economic budget will be fluctuating. Please beware of bad debts. You must restrict your craving for luxury gambling and risky investments. There might be joint pains and head injury. Kindly go for the regular health check-up. Expenses may soar and saving money could be difficult for you. However, avoid taking any kind of loans during this time. Your endeavours may not bring in the desired result. Stay away from activities that might defame you in society. Health may suffer some setbacks especially during the fading moon period. Avoid doing any task that might involve risk taking.Health In the year 2025:
Being quite active, and careful about your diet, you maintain good health. You are susceptible to fevers, rashes, eye trouble, as well as circulatory or heart problems. You are liable to suffer from heat biliousness, fever, eye trouble, burns, and bad circulation. Health may be frail, and it may be influenced by emotional disturbance. You have a powerful digestive system, with a tendency for gaseous imbalances. Health may give problems, especially the stomach or the heart. Your kidneys may be delicate. Do not race cars and avoid fast driving altogether.Learning & Education for the year 2025:
You have a good education. You may go abroad for studies. You may be interested in earth sciences, domestic arts, or social science and demography. Due to circumstances beyond your control, your education may be incomplete. You may frequently run into hindrances in your intellectual inquiries or education, so you may need to develop your own obscure ways of gaining knowledge. There is likely to be some interruption or change those results in your not finishing the entire educational period as planned. Your education has some discontinuities. You may have to change your major field of study once or more and may change suddenly from school to school.Yours Romance & Love life' in the year 2025:
Your Marriage Window & Baby Conceiving window will be opening from 1st May 2025 till 14th May 2025.For Single:
You can be possessive in love. Only if you can avoid being superficial, fickle, and flirtatious in love, can you have lasting love relationships. There may be a tendency for you to keep your relationships a secret or you may seek out partners in secretive places, or where secrecy is in the air. Developing a solid relationship may involve a sense of effort and struggle. Your relationships may constantly go through a number of challenges, obstacles, and transformations. You are oddly analytical in your attitudes even to those you love, although you may not always show it. You may have great success with a foreign-born partner.For Married and romantically involved:
Virgo in the year 2025 You may not have happiness in a long-term relationship. You may have to bear some distress related to your spouse or partner. Even when established in a long-term relationship or marriage, there may be an inclination to have an extra-marital affair. Your spouse does not obey your wishes. You may be critical of your partner, or capricious in your dealings with him/her, and be unconsciously the cause of his/her withdrawing from you.Your Business Profession Career' in the year 2025:
Virgo In the year 2025 Virgo You will be ambitious. You will go through a trans. There will be some effort involved in the attainment of your career goals, but with your motivation you will endure. You can adapt to any business requiring exactitude. You may go in for big business, have independent thinking, be ambitious and bold, may earn your living independently and may not accept subordination. You will have an independent temperament. You will succeed by working for yourself. You feel compelled to start your own business away from supervision. You may negotiate contracts that last for short times. You are an entrepreneur, with a reputation for taking initiative and displaying courage. Your resources Income may come from journalism, writing, media, travelling and the transit industry. You may be a talented artist and may make money from acting, singing, or dancing. Foreign ventures are profitable.Lucky points for the Year 2025:
Virgo most important sentence for the year 2025: I analyse / I understand. Virgo biggest asset/strength for the year 2025: Communication. Virgo biggest weakness for the year 2025: Out of control behaviour & temper AND Self-Destructive steps.Astrological Tasks & Remedies for the Year 2025:
For Peace of mind & Success, you must Donate 12kg Rice + 8kg Haldi to the temple in the Langar and Flow 12kg Rice + 8kg Haldi in the fast-flowing river for 12 Thursday. For accomplishment & legal protection, On Wednesday please do WASH 108 Plash leaves & dig the ground and make a hole & bury these Leaves in the hole and put the stone on these leaves and cover these with soil. For rising luck & prosperities, please do pierce your Left Nostril and do pierce your left Nostril and do wear Steel or titanium silver stud and do wear the stud for 43 days or 86 days or 129 days and please make sure you don’t perform any other tasks during those days and after those Days take out the Stud and flow in the fast-flowing river.Virgo Precautions for the Year 2025:
Please refrain from any Official conflicts with Higher authorities or legal authorities. Please do take care of your presentation & do put lots of efforts. Please don't keep any rusted weapons or tools in your house. Please make sure that you won't keep any Tavvez, Rakh, Bhootia , Dry Flowers, Bell, Shankh Temple in your possession.Virgo Chanting for the Year 2025:
Hrim Gum Ganpattya Nammhhaa Hrim!In this coming year 2025:
From the start of the year till the end of the year Ketu transiting in your own sign so due to this transit you will be going through lots of mental stress hassles and financial losses. You will be going through marriage relationship complications and hassles, From 10th Feb till 12th March Your lord Mercury will be combusted so due to this you will be going through major obstacles and complications. From 9th April till 9th May Mercury will be transiting in your 7th house malefic and from 2nd April till 24th April Mercury will be retrograded so due to this you will go through lots of health complications and your own people will treat you like an strangers. Please beware of an accident. You will come across lots of professional obstacles and complications. Your income can be low and expenditures can be paramount. From 1st May Jupiter’s 5th aspect on you so due to this you will come across lots of challenges hassles, but your accomplishments will be there. From 10th May till 30th May Mercury will be transiting in your 8th house, From 29th June till 19th July Mercury will be transiting in your 11th house, From 22nd Aug till 3rd Sept Mercury will be transiting in your 11th house so you will come across lots of complications challenges and health issues. From 29th Sept till 10th Oct Mercury transiting in your own sign so you will come across rising in status prestige financial gain professional gain resources and honour. From 10th Oct till 29th Oct you will come across financial gain and accomplishments. Most of your hopes desires will be fulfilled. You will achieve success and prosperity. From 29th Oct till the end of the year you will come across struggles complications hassles and challenges.Get Your Premium annual Horoscope:
The premium annual horoscope offers an in-depth exploration of the year ahead in 15 distinct parts (called Life Events), each focusing on planetary effects, as they impact your personal and professional life, health, success and more. The key Life Events covered are: Tasks & Remedies: Empower yourself with practical tasks and remedies, specifically crafted to assist you in mitigating planetary challenges and reinforcing positive outcomes. Saturn's Effect: Discover the profound impact of Saturn's transit on your professional life and finances, and how to harness that power to power your career and money, and learn life lessons through insightful predictions for the year ahead. Jupiter's Effect: Uncover the expansive influence of Jupiter on your personal growth and fortune and how to channel this potential in areas like recognition, relationships, marriage, birth of a child and more with Prakash projecting your path to abundance. Rahu's Effect: Prakash guides your understanding of Rahu and its challenging portents, as they relate to your unfulfilled desires and future aspirations helping you anticipate unexpected events and sudden changes. Ketu's Effect: Prakash deciphers Ketu's mystical code on past experiences and the life lessons they have and can provide, preparing you for the transformational times ahead and pushing you towards accomplishment, the comfort of family and fame. Other life events cover Complications, Learning and Education, Health, and others. We provide you with a complete and comprehensive guide, where you can choose from the 15 individual life events or the full annual horoscope, to enhance your life in practical ways built from spiritual foundations. By taking Prakash Astrologer’s guidance, you will be able to strategise around challenges, recognise and take advantage of opportunities, and maximise the benefits they all bring in your personal and professional life. Let Prakash help you answer and make the most of your full potential in life, love, and professional success with the Premium Annual Horoscope.This discusses someone's circumstances in the coming year. It can reveal situations regarding health, romance, marriage, relationships, educational progression, career, wealth, property, authority, power status, and the ability to be recognised or appreciated. It will address a person’s flow of income, communication and lifestyle. It will consider positives & negative possibilities that could materialise in the year.
If someone needs to learn about the effects of Saturn, Jupiter & Rahu/Ketu for the year, the yearly horoscope is beneficial. This Virgo horoscope allows someone to learn about their exact stance in their education, health, romance relationship, job profession career, finance property, skill that makes you special, social life, accomplishments and complications for the coming year. Any tasks, precautions or chanting will be suggested. You will become aware of your potential and your capabilities for the coming year. You will learn about possible difficult choices and how to manage that situation in a composed manner. If someone wants to learn about their upcoming challenges linked with personal or professional, career, emotional, financial or legal issues, listening or viewing this horoscope is useful. Any unexpected issues with authority and how to handle the situations at hand will be addressed. Support, guidance and awareness for the coming year will be given. To learn about your lucky points, your tasks, precautions and chanting, choose the Virgo yearly horoscope.
Saturn represents your KARMA, Saturn Also represent your work profession career status prestige honour income resources & your property wealth, assets, life span, health issues like death crises trauma grief, Your hard work's rewards, Your service job , Your business profession career merchandising.
RAHU -KETU effect represents Your Previous lives & this life's Karma’s Fruit in this life, Positive effects In the form of Sudden achievements, Sudden rewards, Sudden success, Name , Fame Political power But Negative of RAHU-KETU represent series of Failures, too much grief, agony, setbacks after setbacks, ongoing obstacles, indefinite delays, un-comfortable life, Living arguments conflicts, body pain, tension, depression, instability, confusions, illusions, lack of understanding, paranoid & bankruptcy.
JUPITER's effects represents recognition appreciation for your Professional KNOWLDGE Ability Skill set, Jupiter's effect for getting Married in this coming year & conceiving of a baby regarding birth of the Child in this coming year.
Detailed view for the whole year including predictions about your health, education, romance relationship, job profession career, property investments, social life & skill set.
Lucky Points mention about your positive & negative attitude, Lucky days, colours, the precious stones which you must wear for the boost up, Lucky direction for buying the property.
Tasks & remedies reveals all the required astrological tasks for the year 2021 for balancing your astrological equation and for getting rid of all of yours negatives and boosting up your positives and properly balancing your astrological equation to achieve your very best AND Precautions what you should avoid AND ALSO Powerful set of Chants for the Boost up and Cure.
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